About SM-TF
SM-TF database
The SM-TF database collects available 3D structures of small molecule-transcription factor complexes from Protein Data Bank (PDB). Totally, SM-TF contains 934 entries, covering 176 TFs from a variety of species. For each TF, SM-TF provides multiple conformations of binding pockets on the protein and also the structures complexed with different small molecules.
The database is further classified into several subsets by species and organisms. The entries in the SM-TF database are linked to the UniProt database and other sequence-based TF databases. Furthermore, the druggable TFs from human and the corresponding approved drugs are linked to the DrugBank.
Transcription Factors
Generally, a TF is a protein that binds to specific DNA sequences called enhancer or promoter sequences, thereby regulating the transcription of genes. The region that binds to specific sequences of DNA is called DNA-binding domain (DBD), as shown in the following figure. Another structural feature of TFs is that they contain a trans-activating domain (TAD) and an optional signal sensing domain (SSD) (also known as ligand binding domain, LBD). TAD binds other proteins like co-regulators and the binding regions are often referred to as activation functions (AFs). SSD senses signals such as small molecules and ions, resulting in up- or down-regulation of related gene expressions. Notably, TAD and SSD may locate in the same domain, and both ligand binding sites and AFs are druggable. The following figure also shows the small molecules and co-regulators binding to the LBD.
Database Setup
The structures of TFs were extracted from PDB using the following key words: "transcription factor", "transcriptional regulator", "transcriptional activator", "transcriptional repressor", "gene regulator", "gene activator", or "gene repressor". Only X-ray or NMR structures are kept in SM-TF database. Totally, 3077 PDB entries (July 3rd, 2015) were downloaded. The downloaded PDB entries were processed as follows:
Step 1
The PDB entries were grouped using the UniProt id of each protein. Proteins with the "sequence-specific DNA binding" function, according to the "Gene Orthology - molecular function" information provided by the UniProt database, were kept.
Step 2
Each PDB entry was searched for the HET information. The entries with only water molecules or ions were removed.
Step 3
The remaining entries were manually examined. Entries other than TFs were discarded.
Step 4
The remaining PDB entries were further reviewed. Entries containing functional small molecules were kept, and the entries containing only buffer or detergent ligands were removed. If there were more than one PDB entries containing an identical small molecule binding to the same pocket of the same protein, the structure with a higher resolution was kept.
Step 5
For each remaining entry, the small molecules of interest were extracted and named as "[PDB_id]_[HET_name]_[chain_id]_[resSeq].pdb". Amino acid residues and other ligands (including water molecules and ions, excluding the small moleculesaved in "[PDB_id]_[HET_name]_[chain_id]_[resSeq].pdb") within 6.5 Angstroms around the small molecule were defined as the binding site, named as "[small molecule file name]_site.pdb". Meanwhile, a pdb format file of the binding site containing only standard amino acid residues was created and named as "[small molecule file name]_site_clean.pdb".
Step 6
The TFs were categorized according to TF organisms and species.
Step 7
The data in the SM-TF database were linked to related databases such as UniProt, DrugBank, and other TF databases to provide detailed biological information.
Data Presentation
PDB id: 2q6s
TF: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma from human [Uniprot id: P37231]
SM: 2-[(2,4-DICHLOROBENZOYL)AMINO]-5-(PYRIMIDIN-2-YLOXY)BENZOIC ACID (HET name: PLB; chain id: B; residue sequence number: 5001)
A: The structure of the small molecule, PLB;
B: The binding site consists of amino acid residues and other ligands (such as water molecules) within 6.5 Angstroms around PLB;
C: The clean binding site containing only amino acid residues.
Please see the following reference for more information:
Xu X, Ma Z, Sun H, Zou XQ.
SM-TF: A structural database of small molecule-transcription factor complexes.
Journal of Computational Chemistry , 37: 1559-1564, 2016.