SM-TF Downloads

Totally, SM-TF contains 934 entries, covering 176 TFs from a variety of species.
Link for download of the whole database: SM-TF_all.tar.gz
Link for download of the table: SM-TF_table.xlsx

Classfied by organisms:

Organism Class SM-TF count TF count Archive file
Bacteria 187 89 SM-TF_Bacteria.tar.gz
Eukaryota 740 83 SM-TF_Eukaryota.tar.gz
Archaea 7 4 SM-TF_Archaea.tar.gz

Classified by species:

Organism SM-TF count TF count Archive file
Homo sapiens 632 52 SM-TF_Human.tar.gz
Escherichia coli 41 21 SM-TF_E-coli.tar.gz
Mus musculus 22 11 SM-TF_Mouse.tar.gz
Bacillus subtilis 13 8 SM-TF_B-subtilis.tar.gz
Rattus norvegicus 56 7 SM-TF_Rat.tar.gz
Others 170 77 SM-TF_Others.tar.gz